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Restricted Work Incident

  • 1 Restricted Work Incident

    oil&gas: RWI

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Restricted Work Incident

  • 2 RWI

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > RWI

  • 3 ЧП, требующее приостановки работ

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > ЧП, требующее приостановки работ

  • 4 происшествие с ограничением работы

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > происшествие с ограничением работы

  • 5 случай

    (см. также вариант, версия, факт) case, event, occurrence, incident, occasion, chance
    Безусловно это можно использовать лишь в случае, если... - Of course this applies only if...
    Безусловно, в некоторых случаях... - In some cases, of course,...
    Частным случаем все еще является тот, в котором... - A still more restricted case is that in which...
    В огромном большинстве случаев... - In the vast majority of cases,...
    В данном случае единственной возможностью является... - For this case, the only recourse is to...
    В данном случае значение переменной Q не имеет какого-либо элементарного или очевидного объяснения. - In this case the quantity Q has no elementary or obvious meaning.
    В данном случае можно использовать другой подход. - In this case a different approach can be used.
    В зависимости от... возникают три случая. - Three cases arise depending on whether...
    В зависимости от того, действительно ли..., необходимо различать два случая. - Two cases are to be distinguished, according to whether...
    В качестве дополнительной иллюстрации рассмотрим случай... - As an additional illustration, consider the case of...
    В лучшем случае, подобные величины представляют (собой)... - At best such values represent...
    В любом случае, более удовлетворительным является (использовать и т. п.)... - In any case it is more satisfactory to...
    В любом случае, возможно, было бы правильным сказать, что... - In any case, it is probably fair to say that...
    В любом случае, очевидно, что... - At any rate, it is clear that...
    В некоторых случаях более надежные значения для F могут быть получены из... - In some cases more reliable values for F can be obtained from...
    В некоторых случаях более полезно... - In some cases it is more useful to...
    В некоторых случаях возможно... - In some cases it is possible to...
    В некоторых случаях достаточно... - In some cases, it is sufficient to...
    В некоторых случаях может оказаться необходимым... - It may be necessary in some cases to...
    В некоторых случаях эти два ограничения... - In some instances the two bounds fall close together...
    В общем случае будет невозможно (найти и т. п.)... - It will not in general be possible to...
    В общем случае будет обнаружено, что... - In the general case it will be found that...
    В общем случае возможно доказать, что... - In general, it is possible to prove that...
    В общем случае довольно трудно... - Generally, it is rather difficult to...
    В общем случае мы считаем наилучшим (вычислить и т. п.)... - In general, we find it best to...
    В общем случае несправедливо, что... - It is not in general true that...
    В общем случае предполагается, что... - It is generally assumed that...
    В общем случае рассуждение делают строгим, используя... - For the general case the argument is made precise by use of...
    В общем случае следует ожидать, что... - In general it should be anticipated that...
    В общем случае у нас нет оснований ожидать... - In the general case, we cannot reasonably expect...
    В общем случае это не будет происходить, если только не... - This will not happen, in general, unless...
    В общем случае это несправедливо. - In general this is not true.
    В общем случае, рассматриваемом ниже,... - In the general case to be dealt with below,...
    В обычном (= типичном) случае, например, можно было бы... - In a typical case, for example, one might...
    В подобном случае могло бы быть проще уточнить... - In such a case, it might be simpler to specify...
    В подобных случаях было предложено, чтобы... - In such cases it was suggested that...
    В последнем случае может быть достаточно (вычислить и т. п.)... - In the latter case it may be sufficient to...
    В простом специальном случае, когда X имеет форму (2.3), мы можем записать... - In the simple special case that X has the form (2.3) we can write...
    В различных случаях мы обнаружили, что удобно... - We have found it convenient on various occasions to...
    В следующей главе мы упростим ситуацию, рассматривая случай... - In the next chapter we simplify matters by considering the case of...
    В случае (а) неравенство (1) доказывается в [2]. - In the case (a) inequality (1) is proved in [2].
    В случае, если лекция откладывается, вас известят. - You will be given due notice in the event that the lecture is postponed.
    В соответствии с природой... возникают четыре разных случая. - Four distinct cases arise according to the nature of...
    В таком случае естественно сказать, что... - In this case it is natural to say that...
    В таком случае мы часто говорим, что... - In this situation, we often say that...
    В частных случаях может произойти (что-л). - In particular cases it may happen that...
    В этой главе мы рассматриваем различные случаи... - In this chapter we consider various cases of...
    В этом случае мы могли бы определить (= ввести)... - For this case we may define...
    В этом случае особенно просто... - In this case it is particularly easy to...
    В этом случае, невозможно более (использовать и т. п.)... - In this case, it is no longer possible to...
    Важный случай возникает, когда... - An important case occurs when...
    Во всех случаях общепризнанно, что... - In all cases it is generally recognized that...
    Во втором случае говорится о... - In the latter case one speaks of...
    Во многих случаях необходимо знать скорость (= частоту), при которой... - In many cases it is required to know the rate at which...
    Во многих случаях необходимо обращаться за помощью к приближенным методам. - In many cases it is necessary to resort to approximate methods.
    Во многих случаях это будет очевидно из простого наблюдения. - In many cases this will be obvious by inspection.
    Во многих случаях это не имеет значения. - In many cases this is of no importance.
    Возвращаясь теперь к более общему случаю, где/ когда... - Returning now to the more general case where...
    Все случаи такого типа покрываются... - All cases of this kind are covered by...
    Все это возникает как частные случаи (чего-л). - All of these arise as particular cases of...
    Выберем специальный случай, когда... - Let us choose the special case where...
    Давайте представим случай, когда... - Let us imagine a case where...
    Давайте применим наше правило к простому случаю... - Let us now apply our rule to the simple case of...
    Давайте рассмотрим некоторые частные случаи (чего-л). - Let us look at some particular cases of...
    Давайте сейчас проведем данную процедуру в специальном случае... - Let us carry out this procedure here for the special case of...
    Далее, мы кратко рассматриваем случаи, в которых... - Further, we briefly treat cases in which...
    Данный метод особенно подходит в случае, когда... - The method is particularly appropriate when...
    Действительно, наиболее типичным является случай, когда... - Indeed, it is typically the case that...
    Для простоты мы ограничимся случаем... - For simplicity we shall confine ourselves to the case of...
    До сих пор мы рассматривали лишь случаи, когда... - So far we have considered only cases in which...
    Другие случаи молено обсудить в подобной манере. - In a similar manner other cases may be discussed.
    Другим крайним случаем является... - At the other extreme is the case of...
    Другим частным случаем является тот из... - Another simple case is that of...
    Другой случай, представляющий для нас интерес, получается, если/ когда... - Another case of interest is obtained if...
    Если это тот самый случай, то отсюда следует... - This being the case, it follows that...
    Еще один интересный случай - это (случай)... - A further case of interest is that of...
    За исключением специальных простых случаев, во всех остальных не является очевидным, действительно ли... - Except in certain simple cases it will not be obvious whether...
    Зарегистрированы случаи (чего-л). - There are cases on record of...
    Здесь будет рассмотрен только последний (= второй) случай. - Only the latter case will be treated here.
    Здесь мы видим простой случай (чего-л). - Here we see a simple case of...
    й в данном случае это находится в соответствии с... - Again this is in accordance with...
    Из симметрии в данном случае очевидно, что... - In this case it is obvious from symmetry that...; From symmetry it is obvious that...
    Имеются несколько специальных случаев, представляющих для нас большой интерес. - There are several special cases of particular interest to us.
    Имеются случаи, когда... - There are cases when...
    Имеются случаи, когда можно (показать и т. п.)... - There are cases when it is possible to...
    Интересны несколько специальных случаев. - Several special cases are of interest.
    Интересный случай возникает, когда... - An interesting case occurs when...
    Интересным является случай, когда... - An interesting special case is when...
    Исследование каждого случая отдельно приводит к... - Examination of each individual case leads to...
    Итак, мы ограничимся наиболее важным случаем, который... - We therefore confine ourselves to the most important case, which is...
    К несчастью, встречаются случаи, когда... - Unfortunately there are occasions when...
    К сожалению, за исключением простейших случаев, довольно трудно (получить и т. п.)... - With the exception of the simplest cases it is, unfortunately, rather difficult to...
    Критический случай получается, когда... - The critical case is that in which...
    Между этими двумя весьма крайними случаями лежит большинство... - Between these two rather extreme cases lies the great majority of...
    Можно отметить три специальных случая. - Three special cases may be noticed. •'
    Мы до сих пор не рассматривали случай, когда... - We still have not dealt with the case in which...
    Мы должны отличать последний случай от случая... - This last case should be distinguished from the case of...
    Мы имеем здесь дело со случаем, когда... - We deal here with the case in which...
    Мы можем, конечно, применить теорему 1 к случаю, где/ когда... - We can, of course, apply Theorem 1 to the case where...
    Мы обсуждаем это в общем случае, когда... - We discuss this in the general case when...
    Мы ограничим наши рассуждения случаем... - We shall restrict our considerations to the case of...
    Мы очень просто включим сюда все случаи, сказав, что... - We include all cases very simply by saying that...
    Мы пренебрегаем случаем, когда х < 0. - We disregard the case when x < 0.
    Мы применим наши результаты к одному простому случаю. - We shall apply our results to a simple case.
    Мы проиллюстрируем данный метод для случая... - We shall illustrate the procedure for the case of...
    Мы рассматриваем каждый из этих двух случаев отдельно. - We consider these two cases separately.
    Мы увидим, что данное исследование применимо также в случае... - It will be observed that this investigation applies also to the case of...
    Мы уже применили здесь один специальный случай (чего-л). - We have used here a special case of...
    Мы уже убедились, что в общем случае мы не можем ожидать... - We have already seen that we cannot, in general, expect...
    На практике мы почти всегда встречаем случай, когда... - In practice, it is almost invariably the case that...
    Наиболее важным случаем является тот, в котором... - The most important case is that in which...
    Наиболее заметным (этот) случай становится, когда... - The most conspicuous case occurs when...
    Простейший и, одновременно, наиболее широко используемый случай это... - The simplest case, and the most widely used, is that of...
    Нам не известны случаи (чего-л). - No case of... has come to our notice.
    Наше задание становится существенно сложнее в случае... - The task at hand is more complicated in the case of...
    Общий случай рассматривается в упражнении 54. - The general case is considered in Exercise 54.
    Однако в данном случае проделать это затруднительно. - In the present situation, however, it is not feasible to do this.
    Однако в общем случае мы заинтересованы в измерении других характеристик... - In general, however, we are interested in measuring other properties of...
    Однако в общем случае эта идея имеет небольшую область приложений. - However, this idea has little application in general.
    Однако в случае... эти эффекты относительно малы. - These effects are, however, relatively small in the case of...
    Однако в специальных случаях это затруднение можно обойти. - In special cases, however, this difficulty may be circumvented.
    Однако во многих случаях мы не знаем... - But in many cases, we do not know...
    Однако для этих случаев часто более эффективно... - For these cases it is, however, often more efficient to...
    Однако из экспериментов мы знаем, что бывают случаи, когда... - Experimentally, however, we know that there are cases when...
    Однако имеется много случаев, когда... - There are, however, many cases in which...
    Однако имеется один интересный случай, когда... - There is, however, one interesting case in which...
    Однако имеются два предельных случая, когда... - There are, however, two limiting cases in which...
    Однако имеются некоторые специальные случаи, когда... - There are, however, some special cases in which...
    Однако имеются несколько специальных случаев, в которых/ когда... - There are, however, a few specific cases in which...
    Однако легко обобщить это исследование на случай, когда... - It is easy, however, to generalize this treatment to the case of...
    Однако существуют важные специальные случаи, когда... - There are, however, important special cases when...
    Однако это, несомненно, случай... - But this is by no means the case for...
    Однако, в общем случае, несправедливо, что... - It is not true in general, however, that...
    Одним важным исключением является случай... - An important exception is the case of...
    Основные результаты приводятся ниже, сначала для случая... - The main results are stated below, first for the case of...
    Особенно важным для наших целей является случай, что... - Particularly important for our purposes is the case of...
    Особенно это тот случай, когда... - This is particularly the case when...
    Особый интерес вызывают случаи, когда... - Special interest attaches to cases in which...
    Оставляя в стороне особые случаи, мы... - Leaving these singular cases aside, we...
    Оставляя этот случай в стороне, получаем, что... - Leaving this case out of consideration, it follows that...
    Остается рассмотреть случай, когда... - It remains now to deal with the case when...
    Очевидно, они неприменимы к случаям, где/ когда... - Clearly they do not apply to cases where...
    Первым и самым простым из этих случаев является случай, когда... - The first of these, and the simplest, is...
    Подобные случаи могут быть описаны общим уравнением... - Such cases can be covered by the general equation...
    Поучительно решить эти уравнения в случае... - It is instructive to work out these equations for the case of...
    Применение данной теории к частным случаям требует... - The application of the theory to particular cases requires...
    Простейший пример такой ситуации дается специальным случаем... - The simplest example of such a situation is the special case of...
    Простейшим случаем является тот, когда/в котором... - The simplest case is that in which...
    С другой стороны, в общем случае не всегда допустимо... - On the other hand, it is not in general permissible to...
    Ситуация становится проще в случае, когда... - The situation is slightly simpler in the case where...
    Следовательно в каждом отдельном из этих случаев необходимо... - In each of these cases, therefore, it is necessary to...
    Следующим простейшим случаем является тот, в котором... - The next simplest case is that in which...
    Случаем огромного практического интереса является тот, в котором/где/ когда... - A case of great practical interest is that in which...
    Случаи, имеющие практический интерес, приводятся ниже. - Cases of practical interest are given below.
    Случай (чего-л) требует специального рассмотрения. - The case of... requires special consideration.
    Случай этого сорта возникает, когда... - This kind of case arises when...
    Случай, вызывающий особый интерес, возникает, когда... - A case of special interest arises when...
    Сначала мы рассматриваем случай... - We first deal with the case of...
    Существенно более важным случаем является тот, когда... - By far the most important case is that in which...
    Существуют два случая, когда это должно быть принято во внимание. - There are two situations where this has to be taken into account:
    Такая связь является простейшей в случае... - This connection is simplest in the case of...
    Тем не менее, мы говорим в общем случае, что... - Nevertheless, we generally say that...
    Теорема 2 может быть расширена на случай параболического уравнения. - Theorem 2 can be extended to deal with parabolic equations.
    Теперь мы можем обобщить (это) на случай... - We can now generalize to the case of...
    Теперь мы обнаруживаем, что обязаны различать между двумя случаями. - We have now two cases to distinguish.
    То, что было сказано выше, применяется, в частности, к случаю... - What has been said above applies in particular to...
    Только что приведенный пример является специальным случаем... - The example just given is a special case of...
    Нам не представится случай использовать... - We shall not have occasion to use...
    Уже сформулированные правила молено распространить на случай... - The rules presented so far can be extended to...
    Частным случаем этой теоремы является... - A particular case of this theorem is that...
    Что важно в любом из случаев, это... - What is important in either case is that...
    Чтобы получить практический результат в подобных случаях, мы... - То obtain a practical result in such cases, we...
    Чтобы рассмотреть общий случай, давайте... - То deal with the general case, let...
    Чтобы рассмотреть этот случай, мы... - То cover this case, we...
    Эти результаты теперь могут быть специализированы для случая... - These results can now be specialized to the case of...
    Это может рассматриваться как специальный случай... - This may now be regarded as a special case of...
    Это обычный случай. - This is a common occurrence.
    Это очевидно для случая, когда/где... - This is obvious in the case of...
    Это практически важный случай, потому что... - This is an important case in practice because...
    Это просто частный случай (теоремы и т. п.)... - This is simply a particular case of...
    Это случай, наиболее часто встречающийся на практике. - This is the case that occurs most frequently in practice.
    Это существенно отличается от конечномерного случая, где... - This is in marked contrast to the finite dimensional case, where...
    Это удовлетворительно во многих случаях, однако... - This is satisfactory in many instances; however,...
    Это хорошо подтверждается в случае... - This is well confirmed in the case of...
    Этого, очевидно, достаточно, чтобы рассмотреть случай.,. - It is obviously enough to consider the case...
    Этот случай дает прекрасный пример (чего-л). - This case provides an excellent example of...
    Этот случай хорошо иллюстрируется (чем-л). - This case is neatly illustrated by...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > случай

  • 6 personal1

    1 = manpower, manpower force, personnel, staff, staffing, work-force [workforce], crew.
    Ex. The question has been raised as to the manpower required to produce the ever-increasing number of abstracts.
    Ex. This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.
    Ex. Application areas include: personnel records, mailing lists, accident and incident records, clinical and health records, committee minutes and records, and so on.
    Ex. The current LC MARC data base contains both records created by the LC staff and those created by co-operating libraries and verified by the LC.
    Ex. During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.
    Ex. Employers of library and information staff have to develop and maintain skills within the workforce.
    Ex. Phillips has 12 installations with a crew of 15-450 men.
    * actitud del personal = staff attitude.
    * administración de personal = personnel administration.
    * ahorro de personal = staff saving.
    * apoyo del personal = staff support.
    * asignar personal = commit + manpower.
    * bien dotado de personal = well-staffed.
    * costes de personal = staff costs.
    * dedicación del personal = staff hours.
    * desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.
    * dotación de personal = staffing.
    * encargado de personal = personnel officer, welfare officer.
    * evaluación del personal = personnel evaluation.
    * exceso de personal administrativo = administrative bloat.
    * falta de personal = undermanning.
    * falto de personal = understaffed [under-staffed].
    * formación continua del personal = staff development.
    * formación del personal = staff training, professional development.
    * formar personal = produce + personnel.
    * funciones del personal = staff duties.
    * gastos en personal = staff costs.
    * gestión de personal = personnel management.
    * jefe de personal = personnel officer, welfare officer, staff manager.
    * jefe de personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * miembro del personal = staff member, staffer.
    * movimiento de personal = staff turnover, turnover, labour turnover.
    * número y distribución de personal = staffing conditions.
    * personal administrativo = administrative staff.
    * personal administrativo de apoyo = clerical staff, clerical worker, clerical personnel.
    * personal auxiliar = clerical staff.
    * personal bibliotecario = library personnel, library staff, library worker.
    * personal civil = civilian staff.
    * personal cualificado = qualified staff, qualified personnel.
    * personal de ambulancia = ambulance crew.
    * personal de apoyo = paraprofessional staff, support staff.
    * personal de apoyo bibliotecario = library support staff.
    * personal de cabina = cabin crew.
    * personal de dirección = senior staff, senior management.
    * personal de la biblioteca = library staff, library worker.
    * personal del mostrador = counter staff.
    * personal del mostrador de préstamo = counter staff.
    * personal de mantenimiento = service worker.
    * personal de proceso de datos = operation staff.
    * personal de recepción = reception staff.
    * personal de referencia = reference staff, reference personnel.
    * personal de secretaría = secretarial staff.
    * personal de seguridad = security staff.
    * personal de servicios = service worker.
    * personal de un centro multimedia escolar = school media staff.
    * personal de vuelo = flight crew.
    * personal equivalente a tiempo completo = full-time equivalent staff (FTE staff).
    * personal joven = new blood.
    * personal más nuevo = junior staff.
    * personal militar = military personnel.
    * personal necesario = staffing levels.
    * personal paraprofesional = paraprofessional staff.
    * personal profesional = professional staff.
    * personal sanitario = clinical staff.
    * personal técnico = technical staff.
    * personal técnico de apoyo = support staff.
    * política de personal = personnel policy, staff policy.
    * puesta al día del personal = staff development.
    * que necesita bastante dedicación de personal = labour-intensive [labour intensive], staff-intensive [staff intensive].
    * razones del movimiento de personal = turnover behaviour.
    * recorte de personal = downsizing, staffing cut.
    * reducción de personal = staff cutbacks, downsizing.
    * registro de personal = personnel record.
    * renovación de personal = turnover, labour turnover.
    * responsable del personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * reunión de personal = staff meeting.
    * ritmo de movimiento de personal = turnover rate.
    * sala de estar para el personal = coffee lounge.
    * sala de personal = staff lounge.
    * sección de personal = personnel department, personnel office.
    * selección de personal = personnel recruitment.
    * sólo para personal autorizado = restricted access.
    * tareas del personal = staff duties.
    * tasa de movimiento de personal = turnover rate, turnover rate.
    * turnos del personal = staffing rota.
    * vacante de personal = staff vacancy.

    Spanish-English dictionary > personal1

  • 7 personal

    una opinión/pregunta personal a personal opinion/question
    personal e intransferible non-transferable
    personal foul.
    staff, personnel (trabajadores).
    personal docente teaching staff
    personal mínimo skeleton staff
    personal en plantilla in-house staff
    personal sanitario health workers
    personal de tierra ground crew
    * * *
    1 personal
    1 (de una empresa) personnel, staff
    2 familiar (gente) everyone, everybody
    1 DEPORTE (falta) personal foul
    personal docente teaching staff
    * * *
    1. adj. 2. noun m.
    staff, personnel
    * * *
    2. SM
    1) (=plantilla) staff, personnel; ( esp Mil) force; (Náut) crew, complement

    personal de tierra — (Aer) ground crew, ground staff

    2) * (=gente) people
    SF (Baloncesto) personal foul
    * * *
    adjetivo personal
    a) (de fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff (sing or pl)
    b) (Esp fam & hum) ( gente) people
    * * *
    adjetivo personal
    a) (de fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff (sing or pl)
    b) (Esp fam & hum) ( gente) people
    * * *
    1 = manpower, manpower force, personnel, staff, staffing, work-force [workforce], crew.

    Ex: The question has been raised as to the manpower required to produce the ever-increasing number of abstracts.

    Ex: This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.
    Ex: Application areas include: personnel records, mailing lists, accident and incident records, clinical and health records, committee minutes and records, and so on.
    Ex: The current LC MARC data base contains both records created by the LC staff and those created by co-operating libraries and verified by the LC.
    Ex: During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.
    Ex: Employers of library and information staff have to develop and maintain skills within the workforce.
    Ex: Phillips has 12 installations with a crew of 15-450 men.
    * actitud del personal = staff attitude.
    * administración de personal = personnel administration.
    * ahorro de personal = staff saving.
    * apoyo del personal = staff support.
    * asignar personal = commit + manpower.
    * bien dotado de personal = well-staffed.
    * costes de personal = staff costs.
    * dedicación del personal = staff hours.
    * desarrollo profesional del personal = staff development.
    * dotación de personal = staffing.
    * encargado de personal = personnel officer, welfare officer.
    * evaluación del personal = personnel evaluation.
    * exceso de personal administrativo = administrative bloat.
    * falta de personal = undermanning.
    * falto de personal = understaffed [under-staffed].
    * formación continua del personal = staff development.
    * formación del personal = staff training, professional development.
    * formar personal = produce + personnel.
    * funciones del personal = staff duties.
    * gastos en personal = staff costs.
    * gestión de personal = personnel management.
    * jefe de personal = personnel officer, welfare officer, staff manager.
    * jefe de personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * miembro del personal = staff member, staffer.
    * movimiento de personal = staff turnover, turnover, labour turnover.
    * número y distribución de personal = staffing conditions.
    * personal administrativo = administrative staff.
    * personal administrativo de apoyo = clerical staff, clerical worker, clerical personnel.
    * personal auxiliar = clerical staff.
    * personal bibliotecario = library personnel, library staff, library worker.
    * personal civil = civilian staff.
    * personal cualificado = qualified staff, qualified personnel.
    * personal de ambulancia = ambulance crew.
    * personal de apoyo = paraprofessional staff, support staff.
    * personal de apoyo bibliotecario = library support staff.
    * personal de cabina = cabin crew.
    * personal de dirección = senior staff, senior management.
    * personal de la biblioteca = library staff, library worker.
    * personal del mostrador = counter staff.
    * personal del mostrador de préstamo = counter staff.
    * personal de mantenimiento = service worker.
    * personal de proceso de datos = operation staff.
    * personal de recepción = reception staff.
    * personal de referencia = reference staff, reference personnel.
    * personal de secretaría = secretarial staff.
    * personal de seguridad = security staff.
    * personal de servicios = service worker.
    * personal de un centro multimedia escolar = school media staff.
    * personal de vuelo = flight crew.
    * personal equivalente a tiempo completo = full-time equivalent staff (FTE staff).
    * personal joven = new blood.
    * personal más nuevo = junior staff.
    * personal militar = military personnel.
    * personal necesario = staffing levels.
    * personal paraprofesional = paraprofessional staff.
    * personal profesional = professional staff.
    * personal sanitario = clinical staff.
    * personal técnico = technical staff.
    * personal técnico de apoyo = support staff.
    * política de personal = personnel policy, staff policy.
    * puesta al día del personal = staff development.
    * que necesita bastante dedicación de personal = labour-intensive [labour intensive], staff-intensive [staff intensive].
    * razones del movimiento de personal = turnover behaviour.
    * recorte de personal = downsizing, staffing cut.
    * reducción de personal = staff cutbacks, downsizing.
    * registro de personal = personnel record.
    * renovación de personal = turnover, labour turnover.
    * responsable del personal de la biblioteca = library personnel officer.
    * reunión de personal = staff meeting.
    * ritmo de movimiento de personal = turnover rate.
    * sala de estar para el personal = coffee lounge.
    * sala de personal = staff lounge.
    * sección de personal = personnel department, personnel office.
    * selección de personal = personnel recruitment.
    * sólo para personal autorizado = restricted access.
    * tareas del personal = staff duties.
    * tasa de movimiento de personal = turnover rate, turnover rate.
    * turnos del personal = staffing rota.
    * vacante de personal = staff vacancy.

    = one-to-one, personal, private, intimate, one-on-one.

    Ex: A few large libraries contain an adult learning centre, which provides training courses for volunteer tutors, one-to-one tutoring or instruction in small groups.

    Ex: Cards will remain useful for small local and personal indexes but other options, in the form of microcomputers and their software are beginning to compete in this application.
    Ex: SWALCAP supports a network arrangement of remote terminals and minicomputers linked to the central computer via private lines.
    Ex: Until we feel as librarians that we are an intimate part of society, we will never begin to believe that we really function.
    Ex: The one-on-one training pattern predominates and is effective at this institution where education in the singular is stressed.
    * actitud personal = personal attitude.
    * a favor de la decisión personal sobre el aborto = pro-choice.
    * alarma personal = rape alarm, personal alarm.
    * anuncio personal = personal ad.
    * aprovechamiento personal = personal gain.
    * archivo personal = private archives, personal archive(s), personal records.
    * armadura personal = body armour.
    * artículo personal = personal item.
    * asunto personal = personal issue.
    * atención personal = personal attention.
    * atención personal al cliente = personal selling.
    * a título personal = in a personal capacity, in a private capacity.
    * atracción personal = personal attraction.
    * autoría personal = personal authorship.
    * autor personal = personal author.
    * autor personal único = single personal authorship.
    * beneficio personal = personal gain.
    * biblioteca personal = personal library.
    * bienes personales = personal property.
    * blindaje personal = body armour.
    * característica personal = personality trait, personality characteristic.
    * carta personal = personal letter.
    * cheque personal = personal cheque.
    * comentario personal = personal note.
    * comentario personal de una lectura = reading-reportage.
    * compromiso personal = personal engagement, personal investment.
    * contacto personal = personal contact, public contact.
    * contratación de personal cualificado de otras empresas = lateral hiring.
    * convicción personal = personal conviction.
    * cualidades personales = personal qualities.
    * cuestión personal = personal issue, life issue.
    * datos personales = personal details.
    * dinero para gastos personales = pocket change, pocket money.
    * documentos personales = personal papers.
    * economía personal = personal finance.
    * efectos personales = personal belongings.
    * ego personal = personal ego.
    * encabezamiento de nombre personal = personal name heading.
    * enriquecimiento personal = personal enrichment.
    * entrada de nombre personal = personal name entry.
    * entrevista personal = personal interview.
    * espacio personal = personal space, territorial space, personal space territory.
    * estilo personal = persona [personae, -pl.].
    * expediente personal = personal records.
    * experiencia personal = personal experience.
    * gestión de archivos personales = personal archives management, personal records management.
    * gusto personal = personal taste, personal preference.
    * hábito personal = personal habit.
    * hacer uso personal = make + personal use.
    * higiene personal = personal hygiene.
    * historia personal = personal history.
    * índice de rendimiento personal = individual performance index.
    * información personal = personal information.
    * interés personal = vested interest, personal interest.
    * interpersonal = person-to-person.
    * intimidad personal = personal privacy.
    * invasión del espacio personal = invasion of space.
    * libertad personal = personal freedom.
    * logro personal = a feather in + Posesivo + cap, personal achievement.
    * marca personal = personal record.
    * miembro personal = personal member.
    * nombre personal = personal name.
    * norma personal = personal norm.
    * opinión personal = personal opinion.
    * ordenador personal (PC) = personal computer (PC).
    * para uso personal = for personal use.
    * perder un objeto personal = lose + property.
    * personal investigador = research staff.
    * PIN (número de identificación personal) = PIN (personal identification number).
    * por razones personales = for personal reasons.
    * preferencia personal = personal preference.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * razones personales = personal reasons.
    * realización personal = personal fulfilment.
    * récord personal = personal record.
    * responsabilidad personal = personal responsibility.
    * satisfacción personal = personal satisfaction.
    * seguridad personal = personal safety.
    * sello personal = fingerprint [finger-print].
    * sicología personal = personal psychology.
    * sistema de valores personales = personal value system.
    * tecnología del ordenador personal = personal computer technology.
    * tener un interés muy personal en = hold + a stake in, have + a stake in.
    * territorio personal = personal space territory.
    * toque personal = personal touch.
    * triunfo personal = a feather in + Posesivo + cap.
    * uso personal = personal use.
    * vida personal = personal life.
    * voluntad personal = personal will.

    * * *
    ‹asunto/documento/pregunta› personal; ‹opinión/juicio› personal
    objetos de uso personal personal effects
    una alusión personal a personal remark
    está basado en su experiencia personal it is based on (his own) personal experience
    no tiene ningún interés personal en el asunto he has no personal interest in the matter
    1 (de una fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff ( sing or pl)
    estamos escasos de personal we're short-staffed
    intentan aumentar la producción con el mismo personal they are trying to increase production with the same number of staff o with the same workforce
    2 ( Esp fam hum) (gente) people
    ¡cuánto personal hay en la calle! what a lot of people there are in the street!
    saca unas copas para el personal get some glasses out for everyone o for people
    cabin staff o crew
    ( Arg) staff ( of a building)
    ground crew o staff
    flight crew
    * * *


    personal adjetivo

    ■ sustantivo masculino (de fábrica, empresa) personnel (pl), staff ( sing or pl);
    estamos escasos de personal we're short-staffed
    I adjetivo personal
    una carta personal, a private letter
    II sustantivo masculino (trabajadores) staff, personnel

    ' personal' also found in these entries:
    - contingente
    - dato
    - efecto
    - escala
    - interés
    - jefa
    - jefe
    - lavandería
    - llave
    - objeto
    - particular
    - pasar
    - placa
    - plana
    - plano
    - presente
    - primar
    - privada
    - privado
    - abandonar
    - ampliación
    - ampliar
    - aseo
    - auxiliar
    - bien
    - citar
    - computadora
    - consultorio
    - coqueto
    - defensa
    - dejadez
    - dejado
    - despedir
    - diario
    - falta
    - historial
    - insuficiencia
    - intimidad
    - número
    - palacio
    - patrimonio
    - PC
    - planilla
    - plantilla
    - reducción
    - tarjeta
    - uno
    - achievement
    - agree
    - appreciate
    - averse
    - balloon
    - battle
    - cleanliness
    - computer
    - dear
    - decision
    - decision making
    - delay
    - despite
    - diary
    - dodge
    - employ
    - excuse
    - exploit
    - first-hand
    - gap
    - heart-to-heart
    - love
    - maintenance staff
    - mate
    - myself
    - neglect
    - office staff
    - PA
    - pc
    - personal
    - personal best
    - personal computer
    - personal pronoun
    - personally
    - personnel
    - personnel department
    - personnel management
    - private
    - private income
    - put off
    - referee
    - self-improvement
    - self-interest
    - short-staffed
    - staff
    - staff meeting
    - staff training
    - staffing
    - strength
    * * *
    [privado, íntimo] personal;
    una opinión/pregunta personal a personal opinion/question;
    mi teléfono personal es… my home o private number is…;
    para uso personal for personal use;
    personal e intransferible non-transferable
    1. [trabajadores] staff, personnel
    personal administrativo administrative staff;
    personal de cabina cabin staff o crew;
    personal docente teaching staff;
    personal de oficina office staff;
    personal de tierra ground staff o crew;
    personal de ventas sales force o team
    2. Esp Fam [gente] people;
    el personal quería ir al cine the gang wanted to go to the cinema
    [en baloncesto] personal foul
    * * *
    I adj personal
    II m
    1 personnel, staff;
    personal docente teaching staff
    2 en baloncesto personal foul
    * * *
    : personal
    : personnel, staff
    * * *
    personal1 adj personal / private
    personal2 n staff

    Spanish-English dictionary > personal

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mel Gibson DUI incident — On July 28, 2006, at 2:36am PDT,WorldNetDaily: time of arrest/release, Mel Gibson DUI bust , 28 Jul 2006, [http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE ID=51287 WorldNetDaily DUI] ] Mel Gibson was arrested on suspicion of driving under the… …   Wikipedia

  • Seigenthaler incident — In the history of Wikipedia, the Seigenthaler incident refers to a series of events that began in May 2005 when Brian Chase [Not to be confused with a musician or a basketball player of the same name.] anonymously posted a hoax article in… …   Wikipedia

  • Atlantique Incident — The Atlantique Incident was an event in which a Pakistan Navy Breguet Atlantique patrol plane, carrying 16 people on board, was shot down by the Indian Air Force citing violation of airspace. The episode took place in the Rann of Kutch on August… …   Wikipedia

  • Leonardo Is Caught in the Grip of an Outbreak of Randal's Imagination and Patrick Swayze Either Does or Doesn't Work in the New Pet Store — Infobox Television episode Title=Leonardo Is Caught In The Grip Of An Outbreak Of Randal s Imagination And Patrick Swayze Either Does Or Doesn t Work In The New Pet Store Series= Season=1 Episode=3 Airdate=December 14, 2002 Story=Paul Dini Writer …   Wikipedia

  • Mount Everest — Everest redirects here. For other uses, see Everest (disambiguation). Mount Everest (Qomolongma / Sagarmatha) Highest Mountain in the World …   Wikipedia

  • china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material …   Universalium

  • China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast …   Universalium

  • United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… …   Universalium

  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

  • japan — japanner, n. /jeuh pan /, n., adj., v., japanned, japanning. n. 1. any of various hard, durable, black varnishes, originally from Japan, for coating wood, metal, or other surfaces. 2. work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner. 3. Japans,… …   Universalium

  • Japan — /jeuh pan /, n. 1. a constitutional monarchy on a chain of islands off the E coast of Asia: main islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. 125,716,637; 141,529 sq. mi. (366,560 sq. km). Cap.: Tokyo. Japanese, Nihon, Nippon. 2. Sea of, the… …   Universalium

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